AddressInstitute of Physics Nicholas Copernicus University ul.Grudziadzka 5, 87-100 Torun, Poland phone: +48-56-6113275 (office) phone: +48-56-6223931 (home) fax: +48-56-6225397 (office) Please note that I usually do not have time to enter into discussion as todetails of the material contained herein and do not normally respondto enquiries. You are free to download various articles but I cannot fillreprint requests or supply zerox copies. www: bgw Division of Computational Methodsin Molecular Physics Research Fields Generally applications of symmetry in physics. Specifically:-spectroscopic properties oflanthanides and actinides, mathematical and physical applications of Lie groups,theory of symmetric functions, computing properties of groups, interacting bosonmodel of nuclei, mesoscopic and many-body systems;Curriculum Vitae ProjectsSymmetry in Physics.PublicationsEssays, Letters and CommentsLectures English CourseNotesSeminar: Aspects of the ExceptionalGroupsSeminar: Bosons, Fermions and Symmetric FunctionsSeminar: The End of Physics? The Beginning of Physics? (Warsaw University, 31 May 2001Relativistic Effects in Lanthanides andActinides (5Este Conference on Excited States of Transition Metal Ionsat Ladek Zdroj, Poland 6-11 June 2001)The fascination of the rare earths - then,now and in the future (4th RES Workshop on Spectroscopy, Structure and Synthesis of Rare Earth Systems Ladek Zdroj, Poland, 21-26 June 2003 )Symmetric Functions and The Symmetric Group NotesMagnetic and Hyperfine Interactions in Atoms, Ions and CrystalsSome Maple Routines for 3nj-SymbolsNotes on the group PSL(2,11)Group theory and the Pentaquark Group theoreticalapproaches to many-body problems in physics and chemistry (V Girona Seminar onMolecular Similarity, Girona, Spain 12-20 July 2001)Opening of the Grosse Ring, 5 Oct 2001 at Fundamentalstation Wettzell, GermanyMy Polish Physics Odyssey: The FirstDecadeBeyond the sixth place of decimals: From Michelson to Large Ring Lasers (pdf)(Ideas of Albert Abraham Michelson in Mathematical Physics, Bedlewo, Poland 4 - 11 AugustAdmissible partitions and the square of the Vandermonde determinant ( Group24, Paris, July, 2002)The Vandermonde Determinant Revisited,SSPCM2002,Myczkowce,September 11-18,2002Small to Large to Small,SSPCM2002,Myczkowce,September 11-18,2002Graduation 2001Latest PhotosPhoto AlbumSSPCM Photos Sept. 2002Michelson, Bedlewo Photos Aug. 2002Tables of PlethysmsTables of Inverses of Series ReducedKronecker Products for S(n)Expansion of the Squares of the Vandermonde DeterminantEnergy Matrices for g^2 in jj-Coupling Exceptional Group PropertiesConjecturesSchurOther LinksPhysics as a Journey: order the bookAction on Smoking and HealthFind out about NicholasCopernicus UniversitySample Some NZ WinesSISSA W3 serverTake a Tour of TorunVisit New Zealand/Aotearoa The Mwila ChildrenVisit the Canterbury Ring LaserLatest Output from the C-II Ring Laser Keasha's WebSiteAngela's Website Mwila's WebSite Fred Jr is six and has a question "Why is it that the light in a light bulb is so small and yet it manages to spread and fill the whole room?"Fred Mwila Jr likes drawing animals. Brian G. Wybourne
Spectroscopic Properties Of Rare Earths Wybourne