LIFE PHOTOGRAPHERS: What They Saw. By John Loengard. (Bulfinch/Little, Brown. $35.) Ever wonder how Life photographers like Alfred Eisenstaedt, Carl Mydans, George Silk, Co Rentmeester and John Olson managed to make those memorable photographs that remain lodged in the popular imagination 25 to 50 years after the fact? John Loengard, himself a Life veteran, has done us all a service by interviewing 43 of Life's best-known photojournalists (and including a CBS interview with himself) about the how, who, what, where and when of their most famous pictures. Some of the stories are deliciously wicked -- Gordon Parks telling how Roy Stryker of the Farm Security Administration photo project needled him into taking his most famous picture -- and some are run of the mill, but all are fascinating footnotes to the still images that once had more of an impact than television or the Internet.
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