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Borderlands 2 Cutscene Skip Mod: What You Need to Know About Cutscene Disabler and Other Mods

Save Quitting is a critical exploit to skip lengthy dialogue segments or have to follow characters. This allows speedrunners to cut minutes off the total time for their run. Luckily, doing it is also relatively simple. When you have to do a Save Quit, keep an eye on the top right corner of the screen.

Borderlands 2 Cutscene Skip Mod

Drop Reloading is another very useful technique to cut down on your run time, but how much you use it will vary depending on what gear you get. It can be a handy tool for any weapons with lengthy reload animations, as you can completely skip them.

Return to the Catch a Ride machine and use the adapter, skip the dialogue with Scooter by interacting with the nearby vending machines, and then digistruct a runner. Use your boost as much as possible to drive to Sanctuary and interact with the button there.

Drive to the bridge and unlock the fast travel station at the bridge. Go to Holy Spirits Bar and then go straight back to the Highlands. To skip the lengthy Overlook section, enter the Zafford Bar, leave again, repair the beacon, and save and quit repeatedly until it is counted as completed.

Use the quest The Good, the bad, the Mordecai in your inventory to dialogue skip just before you pull the lever. Wound the loaders, grenade jump, skip the gate and as many map sections as possible and get to the holding cells.

When using the info kiosks, you can use the first one twice if you interact with it quickly enough when Angel first starts talking. Use the other info kiosks and skip the dialogue at the door by starting the Mine, All Mine quest.

Kill the Bunker as fast as possible, buy more grenades while his phase transitions, and kill him again. Then, use the scanner and skip the dialogue afterward with the Animal Rights quest. Hit the button for the elevator and travel to Control Core Angel.

Hit the button and save quit to skip the cutscene. Skip the dialogue after Angel starts screaming using the Doctors Orders quest and killing Loaders. When Roland starts talking, skip the dialogue with the Assassinate the Assassins quest before destroying the injectors.

Use the elevator to skip the Saturn boss fight and head to the Info Stockade. Grenade jump up to the console and use the Rock, Paper, Scissors: Genocide quest to dialogue skip if you have to. Grab the map and fast travel back to Sanctuary.

For this section, you want to avoid enemies as much as possible while using Deathtrap to take their fire off you. You can then use grenade jumps to skip the door and the gap between traveling to the Vault of the Warrior.

The final step is to make sure borderlands doesn't check if the engine.u file has changed. This can easily be achieved with DrZed's ZBL Patch. Just extract the contents of the zip file to the 2K Games\Gearbox Software\Borderlands folder.

So the question is simple: Do you fine people of the Giant Bomb forums sit there and read/watch everything a game throws at you, or do you skip through the 'talky' bits in order to hurry back into the 'doey' part?

Almost never, barring replays. When I played Sekiro 3 times back to back on release, I was definitely skipping story stuff on playthroughs 2 and 3 (except for when I was hitting different paths/endings). When I replayed it again last month, I went through all the story again.

There are some extremely rare cases where I'm having a good enough time with the gameplay but am strongly disliking the story where I'll skip it on the first playthrough. I've maybe done that with 5 games ever that I actually completed.

Most recent game I did this with was Lost Ark. I made it about an hour in before I started skipping all dialogue because it was just utterly uninteresting. Of course, I stopped playing it altogether 4 or 5 hours after that, so maybe not the best example.

It depends entirely on the game. I was excited for every bit of story that I could get in PSO1. PSO2, however, lost my interest almost immediately. RPGs tend to have bits of boring, unimportant dialogue around side quests. I skip all of this filler that I can.

If it's my first time through the game? Pretty much never, unless it's a fully voiced game with textboxes. In that case, If I've read through the text and the voice actor is still speaking, I'll skip that. However, these days I usually just let the VA finish and just use the text box as a guide in case I miss something he said. I usually remember story beats a lot better doing this.

If it's a second or third playthrough that completely depends on the game. Usually, yes, I'll read/listen to the story again, but sometimes I'm just here to get to the parts I like again and if the story isn't a part I liked much, I'll skip it.

I will skip dialogue lines if I can read the subtitles more quickly than the voice actors can say them, assuming the game allows for this, like Cyberpunk and Horizon. For something like Days Gone where you can't skip a lot especially in cutscenes, I'll put up with it but I'm not super happy about it!

I'm with Rorie on this one. I rarely actually skip a whole cutscene on first play or anything like that, but I'll often skip vocal performances of lines and just progress the dialogue as soon as I've read it, rather than wait for the voice actor to finish. Generally speaking I'm just not that interested in video game stories, largely (I think) because writing in video games usually just isn't that good anyway (with the occasional rare exception).

Only on second playthroughs. At most, I might skip the voice acting if I can read faster than the characters are talking. If the writing or story are really that terrible, I'm more likely to just stop playing the game altogether (see: Outriders, Tiny Tina's Wonderlands).

I'm playing through Borderlands 2 with the voice volume completely muted. I usually mute the music and play other music or podcasts over the game instead. There are unskippable cutscenes and situations where I have to stand around while NPCs complete their dialogue, but overall it works beautifully. Really all you need are quest markers and objectives.

I never skip the story in games, that's a good chunk of what I'm there for. I'll often skip audio if they have it written out though, one of my pet peeves is games that make you listen to the full voice lines. Games without full VO suit me just fine, I'd rather just read the lines than suffer through some hammy/laboured delivery that takes much longer.

"@context":"http:\/\/\/","@id":"https:\/\/\/game-news\/borderlands-2-unofficial-community-patch\/#arve-youtube-vkrguqru3ou63e1293d2dda6622354256","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\/\/\/embed\/VkRgUqru3oU?feature=oembed&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=0&autoplay=1&enablejsapi=1","name":"BLCMM release: Borderlands modding made easy","thumbnailUrl":"https:\/\/\/vi\/VkRgUqru3oU\/hqdefault.jpg","uploadDate":"2020-05-10T14:30:23+00:00","author":"LightChaosman","description":"BLCMM release: Borderlands modding made easy - video" HEX MultiTool How to install the Community Patch:Follow these instructions, if you need help check out the support sections or the comments below for tips.

"@context":"http:\/\/\/","@id":"https:\/\/\/game-news\/borderlands-2-unofficial-community-patch\/#arve-youtube-9vwzioewpmo63e1293d30b6f535883934","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\/\/\/embed\/9VwZIoEwPMo?feature=oembed&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=0&fs=0&start=1m55s&autoplay=1&enablejsapi=1","name":"New Borderlands Patch Broke Modding - Here's a solution for now.","thumbnailUrl":"https:\/\/\/vi\/9VwZIoEwPMo\/hqdefault.jpg","uploadDate":"2020-05-10T14:30:23+00:00","author":"shadowevil","description":"New Borderlands Patch Broke Modding - Here's a solution for now. - video" Manual How to install the Community Patch:Follow these instructions, if you need help check out the support sections or the comments below for tips.

  • "@context":"http:\/\/\/","@id":"https:\/\/\/game-news\/borderlands-2-unofficial-community-patch\/#arve-youtube-ncsmracekjq63e1293d55fa5504899116","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\/\/\/embed\/NcsMrAceKjQ?feature=oembed&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=0&autoplay=1&enablejsapi=1","name":"Borderlands 2's Unofficial Community Patch 4.0! 180+ Changes + Tutorial","thumbnailUrl":"https:\/\/\/vi\/NcsMrAceKjQ\/hqdefault.jpg","uploadDate":"2020-05-10T14:30:23+00:00","author":"shadowevil","description":"Borderlands 2's Unofficial Community Patch 4.0! 180+ Changes + Tutorial - video"Community Patch 4.0Patch.txt

  • PatchOffline.txt

UCP 4.0 Changelog

  • "@context":"http:\/\/\/","@id":"https:\/\/\/game-news\/borderlands-2-unofficial-community-patch\/#arve-youtube-iaxfmvlrbf063e1293d5d31e904274451","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\/\/\/embed\/iAxfmVLRbf0?feature=oembed&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=0&autoplay=1&enablejsapi=1","name":"Unofficial Community patch v3.0","thumbnailUrl":"https:\/\/\/vi\/iAxfmVLRbf0\/hqdefault.jpg","uploadDate":"2020-05-10T14:30:23+00:00","author":"shadowevil","description":"Unofficial Community patch v3.0"Change log==================Guns==================1. Changed Kerblasters main projectile to be Grenade Splash2. Buffed the Stinkpot to be in line with the regular Cannon(which was buffed in 2.0)3. Torgue Barreled ARs now cost 2 ammo per shot, from 4 per shot.4. Torgue Barrel for Bandit AR now cost 2 ammo per shot, from 3 per shot.5. Stalker Should be able to spin now (Didnt before)6. Made the Chopper consume 4 ammo per shot instead of 6, and gave it 10% more damage.7. Storms orb should deal 30% of the damage dealt instead of the original 10%8. Gave the Patriot 40% extra damage to make it more relevant.9. Gave all the Torgue Barreled Assault Rifles a massive damage buff.10. Hyperion E-Tech Snipers have more fire rate now.11. Removed the nasty penalties from the Evil Smasher, and made it an above average AR. (Has nothing to do with the effect)12. Made the Commerce have the Maliwan barrel, with an increased chance to shock, shock DoT and damage.13. Made the Cobra have more increased damage, and more fire rate.14. Removed all the penalties of the Trespasser, and made it Dahl barrel, plus a few damage buffs.15. Made the Boompuppys projectile to be considered grenade damage, and gave it 180% increase in damage, with overall stat boosts.16. Made the Judge have the Jakobs Barrel, with 35% increase in damage.17. Made the Avengers ammo regen way faster (5 per second), and gave it 20% extra damage.18. Fixed the Bolt Action snipers fire rate again (they were slower than the usual)==========================================================Shields================19. Buffed the capacity and regeneration rate of the Manly Man Shield, reduced the curse effect, massively increased the damage dealt, and made it so youre completely immune to explosive damage.===========================================================Relics=================20. Increased the damage dealt by the Deputy Badge. (Scale value and base value)21. Buffed the Vault Hunter relic to drop Blues (Thats what rare means) from 5% to 7.5%, it has been tested and its a significant increase because of how loot works. (What the relic does is just buff blue drop rates for less whites, thats it, dont get it confused.)===========================================================COMs================22. Reverted back Legendary Grenadier to Legendary Pointman and Made it boost Crisis Management, Grit, Forbearance, Able and Healthy. (Reasoning behind this is that it was the only COM that was custom and it was overlapping with other mods.)23. Pointman class mod now boosts Grit, Preparation and able, and has multiplicative health bonuses.24. Legendary Ranger boosts Onslaught properly now. (Thanks to MegaCyber!)25. Specialist COM boosts Onslaught properly now.========================================================Grenades================No Changes============================================Loots, drops And Quest items + Enemies====26. OMGWTH Should drop Gen 2 Pearls as well now.27. Increased the shield, health, and damage of Super Badass Stalkers, and gave it a super badass lootpool instead of a badass lootpool28. Increased the shield, health, damage of H3RL-E, and sped up its barrel throwing animation29. Increased the chance of OOO spawning (From 1% to 5%)30. Increased Damage over Times Damage in UVHM by 250%31. Increased Weapon Swap Speed in OP levels by 20%32. Dexi now drops the Lady Fist, Flayer, Hive and Twister, and he has a 100% chance to drop them. (Including the chopper)33. Made Jimmy have Ultimate Badass Loot List (He drops purples and blues like Saturn for example) and Loot Midget List.34. Made H3RL-3 have a chance to drop the Sandhawk and Pimpernel. 33% chance for a drop.35. Made Hide of Terra never spawn with bad parts, and it has a high chance to get the Grounded Prefix.36. Made anyone with a rare spawn chance have 20% to drop their legendary instead of 10%.37. Son of Crawmerax (Raid boss) has a 10% chance to drop any pearl in the game starting UVHM after level 51.38. Son of Crawmerax (Raid boss) Always drops on level gear now.39. Dexi, Vorac and Triple O All have a chance to drop the second generation of legendary class mods.40. Sinkhole has a chance to drop the Bitch. 41. Flinter has a chance to drop the Volcano.42. Dribbles has a chance to drop the Badaboom.43. Woundspike has a chance to drop the Maggie.44. Terras quest now gives you a guaranteed random legendary. (Can be any legendary from the world drop pool)45. Pyro Petes quest now gives you a guaranteed random legendary. (Can be any legendary from the world drop pool)46. Voracs quest now gives you a guaranteed random legendary. (Can be any legendary from the world drop pool)47. Ancient Dragons of Destructions quest now gives you a guaranteed random legendary. (Can be any legendary from the world drop pool)48. Hyperious quest now gives you a guaranteed random legendary. (Can be any legendary from the world drop pool)49. Master Gees quest now gives you a guaranteed random legendary. (Can be any legendary from the world drop pool)50. Increased the chance for Warlord Slog to drop the Ogre.51. Grandma Flexingtons Story Raid difficulty gives you a random Torgue legendary instead of a purple launcher.52. Motor Mamma now has a chance to drop the Baby Maker.53. Michael Mamaril gives you purples all the time now, and has a 10% chance to give you a legendary.54. BA. Rex can drop 15 Torgue Tokens now.55. Improved chance for Splinter Group to drop a Storm Front. (From 2.5% to 7.5% per TMNT Rat.)56. Gold Golem no longer drops the deliverance and the infinity, to increase the drop rates for the Grog Nozzle.57. Vermi has 20% chance to spawn now, instead of 15% of the old patch.=========================================================Character Skills===============58. Made Scorched Earth give Axton 10% Explosive damage59. Double Up gives the turret 30% Damage60. Made Duty Calls to 8% per level instead of 10% per level61. Made Nuke give Axton 20% Cooldown Reduction62. Phalanx Shield gives Axton 20% Shield Capacity63. Gemini Gives the turret 30% Fire rate and 3 more shots per burst64. Swapped Crisis Management and Resourceful in the skilltree65. Reverted Last Ditch Effort to Gun Damage66. Made Robot Rampage give Gaige 20% gun damage67. Made Strength of Five Gorillas give gun damage to Gaige as well68. Made Shock and AAAGGGHHH! Give Gaige 25% reload speed69. Make it Sparkle gives 30% elemental effect chance and damage to Gaige70. Buck Up additionally gives 15% shield capacity to Gaige71. Sped up the animation for 1-2 Boom, doubled its damage(including DoT), and made it give Gaige 15% Explosive damage72. Sped up the animation for Explosive Clap, increased its damage, and made it give Gaige 20% melee damage73. Doubled the Stares damage(including DoT)74. Annoyed Android now increases the damage Deathtrap deals as well as its movement speed.75. With Claws give 0.625% Swap Speed per Anarchy stack76. Sharing is Caring gives Gaige 25% Shield capacity/Recharge Rate.77. Added Blood Euphoria (which was an unused but existing skill) as a Bloodlust tier4 gamechanger for Krieg78. Light the Fuse has been buffed in NVHM and TVHM as well (no change in UVHM)79. Pull the Pin gives Krieg 10% Grenade damage80. Fixed Elemental Elation and Salt the Wound stacks overlapping each other81. The self-hit damage from Silence the Voices is no longer affected by Grenade Damage.82. Optics now give Zero aiming speed, and increased the aim steadiness83. Kill confirmeds value has been reverted (its still instant however)84. Made Grim give Zer0 4% Cooldown Rate per level, and swapped Grim and Fearless in the skilltree.85. Fearless reduces the duration of status effects on you instead of giving Fire rate86. Like the Wind additionally gives Zer0 5% chance to dodge bullets per level87. Increased the chance for C0unter Strike to trigger after getting hit.88. Fixed Lay Waste/Keep it Piping Hot/5 Shots or 6/Incite/Just Got Real/Im your Huckleberry not giving offhand weapons the bonuses.89. Made Auto Loader give Salvador 15% Reload speed90. Reverted Helios change to fix a bug where it did not work without Ruin, and increased the damage by 50%91. Removed the sound from Life Tap92. Doubled the damage that Recompense deals.93. Doubled the Backdraft melee damage, and nerfed the nova slightly94. Made Res give Maya 35% FFYL duration95. Made Overload 7% for all magazines instead of 5%.96. Silence the voices is no longer considered grenade damage.97. Made Scorns cooldown 10 seconds instead of 8. (It was too much.)===========================================================Visuals================98. Big Boom Blaster has a proper Torgue looks now, instead of Dahl.99. Flayer now has the proper Pre-Sequel looks.========================================


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